Does America Need a Pagan President?
Since the dawn of Christianity, the Church has persecuted those whose beliefs and lifestyles misalign with their theology. From the burning of witches in Europe to the hanging of innocents in Salem, freedom of expression has never truly been safeguarded for those who practice anything outside of dominant culture, or for those who are accused of it. Even in modern day, the LGBTQ+ community continues to see legislation designed to degrade and minimize their identities, pregnant people are denied fair access to lifesaving abortions, and pagans far and wide are demonized.
Notwithstanding, Christianity is the most influential religious group in the world with over 2.3 billion followers of various denominations. In fact, the United States alone is home to 210 million Christians, which is more than any other country on the globe. A whopping sixty-four percent of Americans self-identify as believers. Thus, as an American, speaking outwardly against Christian doctrine is woefully regarded, sometimes even leading to excommunication from family and community.
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Yet, the Bible is credited with some of the most controversial stories in history, with hypocrisy dripping from every page as mistranslations and bigotry abound. Worse, it is being used by political figureheads to justify transforming Christian ideals into law. Fortunately, someone is stepping up to call the Church on its bullshit.
Brittany Jones is a thirty-three year old, rock music loving, military veteran with an online school of the arcane arts in Eugene Oregon, and she doesn’t mince words. Mrs. Jones has made it a top priority to fight back against unjust Christian representation in government and to push for true separation of church and state. In response to Ron DeSantis’s ongoing political attack on trans and gay people and Donald Trump’s most recent transphobic rhetoric, Jones beseeches everyone to “shake the shackles of the Church.” In an earnest video, she begs those of similar heart and mind to join her. “I hope I can inspire you to join me,” she says, “in your own authentic self-expression.”
Jones has been using Tik Tok as her primary platform thus far in her campaign, hosting live videos every other day in which her followers can ask her about her platform and get to know her personally. Her black cat Lilith isn’t shy about commentary either. What I have learned from her lives is that she is a badass, tattooed, indigenous, pansexual, polytheistic pagan mom who won’t be silenced by fear mongering or unrelenting trolls. She doesn’t fit in any boxes and I fucking love that about her.
Photo by Rich Cassidy
Furthermore, what makes Jones special is her transparency and her genuine experience as an “average” American, one who - like all of us - is currently battling the consequences of corporate greed and fabricated inflation. She has had her car repossessed. She uses food stamps. She has been homeless. She has worked in the sex industry. She has given eight years to serving her country. She understands that rent is out of control. She and her wife, Jing, understand the frustration of the immigration process.
Jones believes in human rights, above all else, and in sticking up for the American people since career politicians fail us so unequivocally. After watching hours of Brittany Jones’ lives, I can attest to her down-to-earth presence and willingness to tackle difficult issues. Essentially, Jones believes in mixing the ideologies of capitalism and socialism - in preserving American rights and individual interests while simultaneously preventing large corporations and the monetary elite from completely desecrating the earth and condemning everyone on it.
She believes in holding churches accountable for tax violations when they use their influence to condone or oppose a candidate. She believes in sensible gun laws (without restrictions on type), student loan forgiveness, free college, funding public schools, abortion rights, trans rights, reparations, DACA, and universal healthcare. She supports Ukraine. She believes in term limits in government, the decriminalization of drugs, anti-price gouging laws, and that landlords should need to justify an increase in rent.
One of Jones’ most impactful ideas is to close down unnecessary military bases abroad and redistribute funds to communities and imperative programs in the United States. Moreover, she wants to buy all the abandoned buildings in cities and have the homeless move in. According to her, this would be cheaper (and more humane) than managing homelessness the way the government does now. The people living in the new “shelters” could help renovate them and could pay radically reduced rent to pay for expenses.
Recently, Brittany Jones announced that she will be running with Anthony McDonald, ex army vet and famous kick-boxer, as her Vice President. The two will be traveling to all fifty states via RV to campaign together in the coming two years prior to the 2024 election. She will be moving out of her current home and has shut down her metaphysical shop, The Raven’s Cauldron, to make it all happen. That kind of change takes gumption and deep dedication and I am looking forward to what Mrs. Jones brings to the electoral table.
So early in the election process, it is difficult to say if Brittany Jones will have any worthwhile contenders outside the Democratic and Republican parties, but I will say this. Even as a realist who recognizes the fight we are up against in the post-capitalistic dystopia that is the U.S. in 2023, I can get excited about a candidate like her. You can support her campaign by donating to her PayPal or Cash App, or by visiting her website